En dikt
Träningen har gått oförskämt bra på sista tiden. Kompisar har funnits att peppa, disciplinen har fungerat, och kroppen har varit avspänd. Idag kulminerade det hela i en inspirationsvåg som ledde till följande hastigt hopskrivna Tai Chi-dikt.
When I move, I move like a child.
I move because it is fun; there is no other reason.
There are no decisions to make; my will decides for me.
I have no muscles, no bones,
no joints, no tendons, only this body.
I laugh hysterically and unendingly at everything
and everyone I see, including myself.
I don't breathe; I am the air.
I don't listen; I am the music.
I don't move; I am this body.
I am a monkey (a high-tech monkey, but still...).
I am, accidentally, the greatest Tao master in history,
and I don't even know it.
When I move, I move like a child.
I move because it is fun; there is no other reason.
There are no decisions to make; my will decides for me.
I have no muscles, no bones,
no joints, no tendons, only this body.
I laugh hysterically and unendingly at everything
and everyone I see, including myself.
I don't breathe; I am the air.
I don't listen; I am the music.
I don't move; I am this body.
I am a monkey (a high-tech monkey, but still...).
I am, accidentally, the greatest Tao master in history,
and I don't even know it.
Etiketter: Tai Chi
Fint! Vilken bra känsla att ha! Det påminner mej om det kända danscitatet: "I don't move. I am moved." Fast just nu kommer jag inte ihåg vem som har sagt det. :)
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